Drake Holderman Missional Impact Minister

About Drake

“Andrea and I are at Christ’s Church because we decided to follow Jesus and now Jesus is using us to help other people follow him. Plus my mom told me that I needed to get a job. I serve families as they teach their children to love God. My favorite part about Christ’s Church is that the people we get to do life with are 100% sold out for Jesus.”

Drake married his wife Andrea on May 9, 2015. They have three children: Willie, Murphy, and Rosie.

Favorite Pastime: Summers at Fort Gibson Lake
Favorite local place to eat
: It’s a tie between Hackett’s and College Lunch at Christ’s Church
Favorite Band
: It’s a tie between George Strait and Justin Beiber

Drake’s story

Drake shares his story with Scott on this episode of the Pathways Podcast.

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Contact Drake

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