Kim Goldin Counselor

About Kim

“God ‘worked all things together’ to get me here several years ago. I stayed because his working things together was definitely for my good and part of his calling me according to his purpose. A few years ago, I began to sense God leading a different direction. After a bit of ‘arguing,’ I followed, resulting in the pursuit of a second season of life career in counseling. I was unsure where God would take me, but I am SO grateful and blessed to be back at Christ’s Church in the counseling center. God has blessed me with so many friends who have become family, people who have walked with my family in good times and bad, mentored us, shown us grace, and given us the opportunities to do the same for them. What a blessing to have leadership, eldership, and coworkers, caring for us personally and collectively! God has always had his hand of blessing on this ‘little country church.’ I’m so excited to see where he leads in this season!”

Kim married her husband Jim on May 23, 1993. They have two daughters, Rachel and Rebekah.

Kim’s favorite pastime: Traveling literally ANYWHERE
Kim’s favorite local place to eat
: Chavelas & La Familia
Kim’s favorite movie
: Toss up between Robinhood (the one with Kevin Costner) or Pride & Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightley). And yes, I like Pride, Prejudice & Zombies, too!

Contact Kim

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