Maggie Schade • Community Impact Minister

About Maggie
“I’m at Christ’s Church because it’s home. We’ve come to love this church and this community like we’ve been here our whole lives. I’m so blessed by the people I get to serve alongside for the sake of the Kingdom. I oversee our local Impact partners, International Student Outreach, Orphan Care Ministry, Bright Futures Partnership, and Poverty Alleviation Ministry. I love that the people of Christ’s Church will go above and beyond to show their neighbors they love them and Jesus loves them.”
Maggie married her husband Isaac on August 1, 2009. They have a son, Paxton, and a daughter, Poppy.
Maggie’s favorite pastime: Hanging out with friends on her back porch
Maggie’s favorite local place to eat: Hackett’s
Maggie’s favorite superhero: Quailman
Maggie’s story
Maggie and her husband, Issac, share their story with Scott on this episode of the Pathways Podcast.
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