Theresa Barnes • Women’s Ministry

About Theresa
“I first attended Women’s Encounter in 2017 and have served at every Women’s Encounter since. I quickly came to love this ministry and the many people of Christ’s Church who I was honored to serve alongside. In 2020, God began stirring my heart to serve him in a full-time capacity and he truly opened the door wide to serve him here, in the very ministry the first drew me to this body of believers. I am here because God paved the way, and for that, I am eternally grateful and humbled. I am honored to organize Women’s Encounter, as well as help with and lead many other opportunities all centered around helping women draw closer to the Lord!”
Theresa married her husband Jeff on August 8, 1998. They have three children, Mark, Taylor and John.
Theresa’s favorite pastime: Spending time with my Grandbaby, Indie
Theresa’s favorite local place to eat: Gathered around a table with people I love
Theresa’s favorite invention: Roomba
Theresa’s story
Theresa shares her story with Scott on this episode of the Pathways Podcast.
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