Zach Holden
Children’s Curriculum Coordinator

About Zach

“I started attending Christ’s Church in college but never got plugged in until Jim Wickenkamp asked me to help with Kid’s Klub. I’m here to pour myself out before Jesus in service of His un-repayable gift of grace and mercy. I help design curriculum and on-stage lessons for Kid’s Klub as well as helping with Orphan Care missions. My favorite part of serving at Christ’s Church are the free mints in the Welcome Center – kidding. I love serving and learning with others who are as passionate about sharing Jesus with kids as I am.”

Zach married his wife Joanna on May 19, 2001. They have five children, Rachel, Alexandra, Micah, Lawson and Scarlett.

Favorite Movie: Princess Bride
Favorite Pastime
: Reading or working out.
Favorite local place to eat
: Instant Karma

Zach’s story

Josh and his wife, Joanna, share their story with Scott on this episode of the Pathways Podcast.

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Contact Zach

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