God Is Good

God has provided for me in my life in multiple ways these past couple years while growing in my faith with Jesus Christ. He has given me reassurance when life gets rough, guidance when needed, and helped me understand that I have always had someone looking out for me when I thought no one was there. I’ve learned how powerful prayer is and how He provides by answering them, sometimes, in a way I don’t understand.
I grew up with no religion in Southern California and came to Joplin, Missouri on a soccer scholarship at Missouri Southern State University. My first semester here, I dealt with a lot of pain from family drug and alcohol addictions back home, financial struggles and tragic deaths. I had no one to turn to, no family here and was a looking for answers to questions that made me question life. Luckily, God provided one of the most important people in my life, Denise Terry (the cafeteria lady at MSSU) and helped me find my faith in the Church at Christ’s Church of Oronogo. As my dedication and love for God grew stronger, He kept on delivering with more and more life lessons and gave me the family I have always asked for, my Church family.
I was baptized in January after attending Christ’s Church for a year and now volunteer with as many opportunities with the church that I can. God has transformed me into who I am today. As I am growing up and about to graduate from college this year, I am not scared anymore of life or what comes my way. I know whatever my plan is, He has a special purpose for me and he’ll show me how to be a disciple of God to help spread the word of what he sent His son Jesus Christ to do. I am so thankful for His undeserving grace and hope that I show what an impact God can have, once you let Him take control and give yourself to Him.