Led To Friendship

My biggest fear of joining a large church like Christ’s Church of Oronogo was being lost in the large crowd. So when I arrived my first Sunday in 2016, I thought I would just slip into church unnoticed.
I was met at the sanctuary door by a lovely woman who was so outgoing and friendly and asked me a few questions about myself and where I lived. When I told her where I live, she said “well, you have to meet my twin sister. She and her husband are your neighbors.” She took me to meet her identical twin (I still have a hard time telling them apart) and they asked me to sit with them.
While visiting with them I realized that my next door neighbors and another family up the street also attended Christ’s Church. I knew then that God had led me to this church and to my new home in this neighborhood.
I was invited to share lunch with the twins after church. It was such a kind and welcoming gesture for me since I had just moved from Overland Park, KS and did not know a lot of people. I was feeling very grateful for their kindness.
Shortly after that I was invited to the Next Step Coffee event where I learned more about this wonderful church with the very friendly people. I attended the Membership Class and decided that this was the church that I needed to join. The staff was very welcoming and said that I lived near some very special people involved in the church.
Shortly after that I was invited to a bible study group with some wonderful women. They met at a home close to mine. The first night I met up with these women I knew that they were wonderful Christian women. I was thrilled when they asked me to join their group. These women have all been so encouraging and uplifting to me and have become some very special friends. I am so thankful that I did not give up on attending Christ’s Church because it was so large. There are so many kind and friendly people that are so willing to reach out to everyone. Thank you to the Lord for leading me here.