
What is most important?

When we worship… We identify something, whether we even know it or not, as the most important thing. I appeal…

The walk of humility

Humility is an accurate understanding of our worth and value as broken people unable to save ourselves, yet so loved that…

Lord, have mercy

Am I living in the reality of the justice and mercy that has been extended to me through Jesus? I…

Nothing better

Your job is to be a full-time reflection of Jesus, the true light to the world. Screaming. It’s been my…

Body first, then spirit

Six years ago eight teachers from a remote district of Laos spent one month training with a special ELIC program…

What does Jesus offer?

Jesus cares about us too.  He cares about our spiritual health, our relationships, and our physical health as well.  The…

Service at the heart

Do you currently find yourself where serving may have started as devotion but has now turned into duty? Serving can…

Get to the point

Prayer is our opportunity to walk up to God and say, “Hold me.” We all have that friend. You know,…

A gift of love

A gift, given in an act of worship born out of a love for Jesus. On Thursday, May 6th, Mark…

A canvas of prayer

Prayer is a lot less like math and a whole lot more like art. Romans 8:15-17 “For you did not…

The blessing of self-control

As we grow in our journey to completeness in Jesus, we look to him who perfectly gave us the example…

The paradox of kindness

The paradox of kindness is that we like kind people but more often than not, we do not feel worth…

Stepping into the Kingdom

Every time you go to where God’s people are gathered to preach and hear the gospel and to share the…

Jesus with skin on

[Jesus] brings what is impossible for us to do into reality through His power. People want to see Jesus with…

Finding joy…

When we believe the Gospel to be true, joy shows up when it just doesn’t make sense. Has anyone ever…

21 reasons to be excited

It doesn’t take long for that gratitude to turn into hope and lead to excitement. Whenever I talk to people…

The Victory is Ours

We have victory right now over all that is against us in this world. My kids like to watch a…

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