Foster Care
As of March 2025, there are 581 children in foster care in 7 surrounding counties of Oronogo, MO.

One of the clearest calls in Scripture is to care for the vulnerable.
Though not everyone may be called to be a foster parent, there are countless ways you can love and support those in the foster care system.
Fostering Hope
Fostering Hope provides hope, support and resources to children in foster care and their families. They partner with the local Children’s Division as well as local churches, businesses and organizations to provide for the needs of children in foster care and their families.
Learn more about the ministry of Fostering Hope and hear stories from foster families in our church by listening to our Impact ministry podcast.
Also available on these platforms:
Want more information?
If you are curious about getting involved in foster care in any way, fill out the form below to connect with our Community Impact Minister, Maggie Schade.
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