
Kitchen Parables

Jessica Scheuermann | “God doesn’t work at my desired speed. Being content with how long it may take for God to accomplish something has been hard and good, even when it’s seeing something inside me come to fruition.”

Introverts Need Friends Too

Jed Moody | “Community is an essential part of following Jesus. So if you’re like me and think lone-wolfing it sounds pretty neat, just remember what happens in every movie ever after the main character growls “I work alone.” Never goes well, does it?.”

Sky Full of Stars

Alyssa Tournear | “Because we are created in his image, because we share attributes with him as we are made new, we have the ability to bear a much greater beauty than any sky full of stars.”

How Long?

Chip Songer | “Waiting is just a part of our journey.”

Remembered For

Theresa Barnes | “What I truly want people to remember about me has nothing really to do with me; I want them to remember Jesus. I want them to be drawn to him.”


Isaac Schade | “This Epiphany season, when you wake up, pray a simple prayer asking Jesus to continue to reveal himself to you every day.”

College Priorities

Austin Marple | “[College] is a time in which people deeply need Jesus. If students choose to follow Jesus during their college years, they are going to take steps to build a foundation that will last a lifetime, however the same can be true if they don’t.”

It Really is a Wonderful Life

Cindy Cutler | “It really doesn’t need to be Christmas for me to enjoy one of my favorite movies of all time: ‘It’s A Wonderful Life.’ The movie begins with scenes from the small town of Bedford Falls with voices raised in prayer on behalf of our hero, George Bailey.”

The Journey is the Destination

Jim Wickenkamp | “Consider this: time in His Word reveals His character, His purposes, and His will.”

It starts with hello

Bekah Behnke | “Look at your dining room table, is that a place where all kinds of people join to eat and share life?”

Retaining Dignity

Marsha Whitford | “⁣The first time I ever remember getting a Christmas present, I was about 8 years old. I’m not entirely sure of the ‘who’ or ‘how’ but people showed up at our door with gifts for me and my eight siblings and boxes of food, including a turkey for dinner…”


Amy Storms | “What if rest is less about my busyness and more about my belovedness? I can rest, not because I’ve finished all my tasks, checked everything off my list, and finally have nothing left to do. That day will never come. Instead, I can rest because Jesus offers it.⁣”

Aslan is on the Move

KaLisa Veer | “Yet in a whisper, careful not to be heard by the enemy’s supporters, Mr. Beaver utters to the Pevensie children, “They say Aslan is on the move.”

Remember & Celebrate

Krystal Unrein | “We are a people called to remember. We must continue to tell each other the stories of the faithfulness of our God. We must continue to celebrate the God who chose us and led us through on dry ground when there was absolutely no way on our own.”

What Love Can Do

Dennis Hounshell | “The love of Christ, the forgiveness of the Father, and the love of God’s children took a cynical man at rock bottom and gave him hope.”

In Tokyo as it is in Heaven

Drake Holderman | “If things were to continue the same it seems that the hope of the Japanese people to know Christ is little. And yet, things aren’t staying the same.”

Words Matter

Brad Warren | “⁣Our words hold the keys to life and death in them. Speak life to people.”

Pressing On for More

Chad Ragsdale | “⁣Maybe the reason why we struggle with material contentment is because we have become too satisfied and contented with our lives in Jesus. We find ourselves anxiously pressing on for more because we have ceased pressing on for more of Jesus.”

Back to Eden

Spencer Hahn | “As we center more on truth and less on our feelings, we’re able to see that yes, in this world, we will have trouble… but we can take heart because Christ has overcome the world.”

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