
One Small School’s Global Impact

Ozark Christian College | “Ozark taught me to earnestly seek truth. It provided me with the skills and desires to understand, integrate, and communicate God’s word. I am indebted to my professors and friends who dedicated their time to minister to me, instruct me, and love me.”

Deception of Independence

Emilee Mitchell | “Rest is a clear and inevitable example of our dependence. We need it. And that is how God intended it.”

Crazy Walker Dude

Dan Toney | “If you live anywhere near Oronogo you have probably seen an elderly man who walks miles and miles a day on busy roads all over the area. It doesn’t matter how hot or cold it is, he is out there walking day after day, mile after mile…”

Think On These Things

Allison Stump | “Despite what the world is throwing at us or what we are currently struggling with, God is all that is good in this world. We need to root ourselves in His goodness.”

Faith & Concrete

Stephanie Clarke | “Faith that fills the holes in our own lives, shoring up our foundations and preparing us to withstand the weight of the journey ahead.”

Silent Disco

Tyler Bade | “Our world is loud. Turn your phone’s ringer on for ten minutes and hear notification after notification interrupt your mind. Pick your social media poison to scroll through for 30 seconds before you find someone yelling about something and someone else yelling back either in defense or agreement.”

Direct Your Gaze

Maggie Schade | How can you go beyond kind gestures to meaningful gospel interactions?


Logan Hahn | “⁣Our contentment in life cannot be dependent on what God has given us. If we find ourselves constantly discontent, maybe it’s because we worship God for what He gives and not for who He is.”


Chip Songer | Solitude = Engagement Isolation = Escape

Shaped by CIY

Olivia Honey | “I am defined by what Jesus has called me and done for me, not by anything the agenda of the world says I must do or become.”  

Parents : Kids :: God : Us

Jessica Scheuermann | “While we will never truly outgrow our need of God, we can rest easy that the way in which we need him may change over time, in a way that resembles our own relationships with our parents. We may find ourselves needing God like we need oxygen at certain moments, but we also may find ourselves watching for him to come around the corner so that we can take off on the next adventure with him, and both are beautiful expressions of relationship.”  

The Interruptions Are My Work

Peter Buckland | “It is the work of presence, service, meeting needs, caring for others, extending value, self-sacrifice, teachable moments, and expressing genuine love.  It is how the gospel has flesh on it!”

Tree Tattoos

Theresa Barnes | “This picture of a happy home is not a praise of what he has already achieved, but a prayer of trust in the Lord with his heart’s desire as he prepares for worship, celebration, and community.”

78.6 Million

Sam Martin | “Mustard Seed Network desires to see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ. This is not easy work, and it is not always quick work. For many of us, we are foreign missionaries coming into a culture that is unlike our own. We must learn a new language in order to speak the good news of Jesus to those who have never heard it.”


Taylor Miller | “Your bad decisions do not prevent you from making a holy decision. You are always allowed to change.”

Duct Tape Potholder

Yvonne Wickenkamp | “God will finish what He’s started. I can surely count on that.”

Miracle in Me

Cindy Cutler | “Because of Jesus, I know I am water and He is turning my life into His wine.”

God Speaks With His Hands

Andrea Holderman | “It’s a safe place. It’s a voice. It’s a sanctuary. It’s a kitchen. It’s a training program. It’s a community. It’s a bumpy van ride. It’s a prayer. It’s a home.”

When the Fish Aren’t Biting

Drake Holderman | “Sometimes you catch fish and sometimes you don’t. This is true if we’re headed to Table Rock Lake for largemouth or headed across the street to talk with our neighbor. Sometimes you have success and other times you seem to hook anything except a fish.”

In Every Detail

Olivia Loghry | “God isn’t only available in that window of time where my coffee is still hot and the world is still quiet. “

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