
The Waiting Game

Surely he would oblige us and complete this process in our timing. Shouldn’t our faith be rewarded? Three and a…

"I Will!"

What would happen if we rearranged our lives for the sake of the Gospel? When it comes to discovering completeness…

Heart Words

Could it be that God is asking us to draw nearer to Him and let Him change our hearts? Words…

An Active Faith

The Spirit works through people who actively want to be apart of the kingdom. It is so much easier to…

On Wisdom & Doubt

Jesus further reveals himself to Thomas, lovingly inviting him into faith. I loved Mark’s sermon on James 1. I am…

Where Is The Mission Field?

We are all actors in the story of bringing the Gospel to hurting people. In Acts 8 Paul was persecuting…

A Trojan Horse For The Church

He has not left you alone, and through him you can overcome this world. It’s the 12th century BC. For…

Receiving And Giving Grace

Grace is an essential ingredient in our lives, but unfortunately, one that our society does not give readily. Have you…

Affirming In Your Own Way

It doesn’t matter how you encourage others; it only matters that you do encourage others. I recently took the 5…

A Father's Plan

God not only used Paul, but choose him and groomed him. I took an accounting class in high school, and…

Your Story, God's Story

No life is too bad to be redeemed or too boring to make a difference. Never underestimate the power of…

How To Be Remembered

Luke’s account of Stephen is absolutely the most amazing and wondrous way to be remembered. When someone dies we often…

Listening To His Spirit

When you are a talker like me, learning to listen becomes the struggle. I am an external processor. I need…

The Joy of Getting Personal

We are a bunch of broken people who have the opportunity to have a relationship with the one and only…

Mad at God, But Why?

We point our fingers and shake our fists at God in an effort to bring some kind of closure and…

Sexual Ethics

In order to avoid distorting this beautiful aspect of God’s creation, we must talk about it. We live in an…

The Impact of the Word

My actions may be personal, but they are never private. There are times in my life where the busyness of…

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