Perfection Not Required (Romans 7:14-8:13)
In the midst of this earthly battle with my flesh, I will never be alone. “For I do not understand…
The Rebuilt Life (Romans 6:1-23)
He is rebuilding us so that He can make Himself at home within us. In the 1700’s, Augustus M. Toplady…
Grace Is A Scandal (Romans 5:1-11)
Intimacy and relationship with God are not to be taken lightly. Why do I keep trying to save myself? Why…
A Lover, Not A Hero (Romans 3:21-31)
Do I want to be this way because the love of Jesus compels me to then love others, or because…
A Story Of Faithfulness (Romans 2:1-3.20)
I can’t start any New Year without reflecting on the transforming power of God’s faithfulness. Sadly, I know from my…
The Sin Of Replacement (Romans 1:18-32)
We’ve all chosen to replace God. I am so thankful to be studying the book of Romans as a church….
The Light Of A Lighthouse (Romans 1:1-17)
Our job is simply to live each day encouraging other believers in their faith and preaching the gospel to everyone…
Who Jesus Is (Colossians 1:15-20)
If we want to know what God looks like, we must look at the Son. The Son is the image…
From Predicted To Present (Isaiah 53; Acts 8)
When God says that he will move, you can believe that it will become reality. My family enjoys the Christmas…
A Light That Shines In The Darkness (Isaiah 54-55)
The experience of joy is more profound having known sorrow. The 20th-century German scholar Claus Westermann once wrote, “God created…
A Worm and the Psalms
I want to surround myself with God, which is what happens when I read the Psalms. They force me to look…
Homesick For Heaven (Psalm 84)
I have become a little homesick. Not homesick to go back to my childhood but homesick for Heaven. Psalm 84:…
Contentment: A Mindset and a Perspective (Philippians 4:10-13)
Contentment in every situation comes from a relationship with Christ that comes from daily communing with God in and through…
My Longing Heart (Psalm 63)
He has made himself available to be known. We need to draw ourselves to him. The heart is a precious…
Confession, Transformation and Worship (Psalm 51)
When we read David’s prayer of confession, we don’t just see his story, we see our own. Psalm 51 is…
I Once Was Lost, But Now I'm Found (Psalm 107)
My story is one of acknowledgment that my God was always there in the darkness. We all come from many…
Faith in Action
The God that created you has also ordained moments of service and ministry for you. This past Sunday we had…
Seeing For The First Time (Romans 13.8-10)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart. My vision is bad. I have to wear glasses to drive,…
Remodeling And Renewing (Ephesians 4:11-13)
We shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that God wants to work through us. As I write this morning I’m…
Living Hopefully In A Hopeless World (2 Timothy 3:14-4:4)
The greatest teachers any of us have are teachers who not only tell us the truth, but who live out…