
In Every Detail

Olivia Loghry | “God isn’t only available in that window of time where my coffee is still hot and the world is still quiet. “

Holy Unhurriedness

Bekah Behnke | “We live in a world that tells us to go. Hurry. More. Fill the calendar. Your value is found in your tiredness. I want to say that slowing down is not only counter-cultural to the world, but I think it has also become counter-cultural in the church.”

Where to begin when anxiety kicks in

Logan Hahn | “We must rejoice in God. And then we must pray to God. Then we must tell God what we need. And the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds. Why does it work? Because it’s a promise of God. And He doesn’t make promises He doesn’t intend to keep.”

Shining Light

Sarah Burch | I’ll never forget the first night we had a child placed in our home. Her caseworker dropped her off with a few bags full of her belongings. She was wide-eyed and quiet but didn’t seem scared. I was taken aback by that.

Humility & Prayer

Emilee Mitchell | “Even in his last month of life, struggling after some surgeries, the words mumbled day and night were prayers. Prayers for every person he knew by name. Prayers for his children and grandchildren. Prayers for people he pastored decades ago. It was the language he spoke.”

Holy Week through 4-Year-Old Eyes

Spencer Hahn | “Regardless of what you did, Jesus did enough. The good news of the gospel is not just that Jesus did enough, but he did something eternal. He did something that no mere mortal could ever do, which makes his sacrifice all the more significant. He did for us what we would never choose on our own.”

Offering Hope

Travis Hurley | Addictions are being broken, lives are being transformed, families are being reunited, and Jesus is being glorified.

Meeting God in a Doctor’s Office

Jessica Scheuermann | Then I felt a question rising to the top of my mind (and I’m not entirely sure it originated with me), “If you believed that God is really here, what would you feel?”


Elijah Dally | “His glory is seen in that although we were the offenders, the King became a criminal, so that we could become free.”

Healing Life’s Hurts

Dennis Hounshell | We must choose forgiveness if we want to get well. And that includes forgiving ourselves. God forgives and buries our sins in the sea of his forgiveness and forgetfulness. God does not dredge up what He has forgiven and nor should we.

Tuesday Nights

Maggie Schade | Some nights are filled with laughter, playing, and incredibly fun moments of art projects, family dinners, and cuddles. Other nights are filled with tears, difficult goodbyes, and complex situations.

The Story Must Change

Nick Vacca | There is an army of Spirit-empowered, Jesus-loving, self-giving people pouring into our boys as they navigate the hardship of living with severe trauma. 

Am I Really Listening?

Madison Christian | Thankfully I’m not the Gardener in this teaching, Jesus is. I am the soil. He is the one doing the planting and He is the Gardener who can tend to the plants and cause fruit to come forth.

It’s ok to not be ok

Jared Baker | Three months ago, my wife Maddie and I experienced the heartbreaking death of her little sister, Jayme.

Ask. Then Go.

Jake Harp | God absolutely calls us to pray for workers to be sent into his harvest field. But he doesn’t want us to stop there.

Meet the Johnsons

Mac Johnson | As it turned out, the European vacation I was expecting ended up being a grueling service project in the basement of a nursing home in a not-so-pleasant city scraping plaster and paint (which I am convinced contained asbestos) off the walls. Sitting in a hotel room after the day’s work I saw in my mind’s eye the word “Here.”

Good Deeds for God’s Glory

Lindsay Haddan | We are to put our ultimate trust in the foundation of Christ and be firmly and unshakably rooted in him. We know we can trust God because he is a good Father that gives good gifts to his children.

Who is Blessed?

Chip Songer | The beatitudes are not a list of virtues to obtain, but an invitation to receive. 

A Couple of Workers

Jim Wickenkamp | The price of discipleship is worth leaving everything behind.

860+ Loved by God

Todd Owen | Twenty-five years ago Angela and I left Joplin with our two little boys to move to a country we’d never visited before: Papua New Guinea. It’s a good thing God is in charge. Otherwise, we might’ve done an about-face upon arrival.

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