A Father's Plan
God not only used Paul, but choose him and groomed him. I took an accounting class in high school, and…
Your Story, God's Story
No life is too bad to be redeemed or too boring to make a difference. Never underestimate the power of…
How To Be Remembered
Luke’s account of Stephen is absolutely the most amazing and wondrous way to be remembered. When someone dies we often…
Listening To His Spirit
When you are a talker like me, learning to listen becomes the struggle. I am an external processor. I need…
The Joy of Getting Personal
We are a bunch of broken people who have the opportunity to have a relationship with the one and only…
Mad at God, But Why?
We point our fingers and shake our fists at God in an effort to bring some kind of closure and…
Sexual Ethics
In order to avoid distorting this beautiful aspect of God’s creation, we must talk about it. We live in an…
The Impact of the Word
My actions may be personal, but they are never private. There are times in my life where the busyness of…
Let's Play!
Play looks different to every person, but it is a time to have joy in what God has given us….
God's Rest Is Good For Us All
Those moments of rest with God give me peace and contentment. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of…
Working Together And Celebrating Together
Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer. Solomon said, “Go watch the…
Relationship with God, No Matter Your "Status"
The ‘single’ life, then, is fulfilled by knowing, engaging, and enjoying God. Singleness, in regards to romantic relationships, is a…
Words Of Encouragement For Parents
Whether it seems like a big or small “mess up,” remind yourself that God is the Great Redeemer and all…
A Marriage Built On Christ, Not Comfort
In the same way that sin puts a strain on our relationship with God, sin can fill marriage with struggle…
Victory In Suffering (Romans 8)
In the midst of unbearable suffering we can say “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”, knowing that the…
Diversity And Love (Romans 16)
We see the early churches putting righteousness before worldly things. It might be easy to skip over the long list…
Unity In Differences (Romans 14:1-15:13)
While we may have differences of opinion…the final goal is always the same – build the Kingdom. I grew up…
An Identity Of Love (Romans 12:1-13:14)
Jesus tells His disciples to have faith, which is really telling them to remember who He is, so they remember…
Still Hope for Anyone – The Plan and the People (Romans 9-11)
As long as there is still air in our lungs, we still have the opportunity to respond to the good…
Life In Light Of Eternity (Romans 8:12-30)
The daily grind is still here. But when viewed through an eternal filter, the perspective changes. “Therefore, brothers and sisters,…